30 Days of Me: Day 27 – Former problems

Day 27 – A problem you have or have had in the past

A problem I have is being too trusting of others. I want to believe that everyone wants to help others, and I was brought up to firmly believe in community and “doing unto others…”.  In the last couple of years, I have learnt to be trusting AND unfortunately, also being prepared for the worst.

At the other end of the spectrum, another problem I used to have is being too negative. It was great in my former career of being an event planner because I could immediately determine what risks were involved in any new event before even doing the walk-through.

After hearing a few too many times from many people that things always just seem to happen to me, I was finally receptive to hearing what a dear friend told me about how she turned her life and marriage around…she started listing what she was thankful every night and asking her Higher Power for guidance.  Sounded kind of strange (weird, hokey, New Age, and yet also really hard!) to me but I thought I would give it a try.  At first, all I could find to be thankful for was my kids and my friends who had helped stabilize me after the end of my marriage.  Soon, my “daily thankfuls” were expanding to the little things we were experiencing every day, to being able to list off many things that had happened each day.

Eventually I was asking Spirit for guidance, strength and help for others, and now I’m able to silently go through my “daily thankfuls” and even ask for help and guidance for myself and my life, and immediately fall asleep into a blissful sleep.  I notice I have strange dreams on nights when I fall asleep before I can go through my “daily thankfuls”.

What problems have been holding you back, and how did you resolve them?