2 Truths 1 Lie 8/12 ANSWER!



1) I golf left-handed – This is the truth.  I went mini-putt golfing once and was doing horribly. My (now ex-) husband suggested I switch to left-handed and I started doing awesome. Now, I just need to learn how to golf for real… 😉

2) I bowl right-handed – This is the truth, which is weird because all other sports I’ve tried, I’ve been left-handed – I’m even left-foot dominant in soccer. So, it’s a bit strange that I bowl right-handed.

3) I’m left-handed – This is the lie. The only time in my life where I’ve had to write left-handed is when I broke my right arm, otherwise, I’m a righty.

2 Truths 1 Lie 8/12 LINK UP!

I’ve joined the Blog Hop at Randomosity called 2 Truths, 1 Lie.  I thought it was cute, so here I go!


You know the game you play as an “icebreaker” in a new class or maybe at a new job. Make a post, telling two truths and one lie. Leave the link to that post here. Then your readers (and fellow blog hoppers) will guess which one is the lie.

Update the post within 24 hours to tell which is which (I’ll be honest and say that I have a Girl’s Night tonight, so it may not be 24 hours for me…just saying…)

Simple enough, right? Just LINK TO YOUR 2 TRUTHS 1 LIE POST!

Copy the code below to add it to your site (this is not required, just requested). This is a new hop, so it will need your help to grow. I appreciate it! Come back every Friday night to link up again! This means fun AND extra exposure for your blog.

<a href= “http://randomosityblog.com/category/2-truths-1-lie” target= “_blank”><img src= “http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m606/randomosityblog/2truths1lie.jpg” border=”0? alt= “Photobucket”>



1) I golf left-handed

2) I bowl right-handed

3) I’m left-handed

So, which one is a lie?