Day 24 – The person who gave you your favorite memory

One of my favourite memories is of my maternal grandfather. I spent the summer in England when I was 16 at my aunt, uncle and cousin’s place. My grandfather came to visit because “how often is my Canadian grand-daughter staying here?”. Later during the summer, I went to stay at his place because “how often do I get to see my grandfather in his home in England?”.

I have two very fond memories from visiting with my grandfather that summer. One was when we went to the local beach one morning, molded the sand into “chairs”, sat down and started chatting…the next thing we knew, it was almost dinnertime. I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but I still remember the comfort of the time with him, the environment that surrounded us, the waves from the water, the feel of the sand beneath us. Pretty much a perfect day, and that’s why I feel most at ease when around water…it takes me back to that day.

The second memory proved how cool my grandfather was. When I went to his place to stay with him for a few days, we went on a walking tour around the city and, at lunch time we decided to pop into the pub…where my grandfather ordered and gulped back a pint of Guinness at noon. My grandfather was cool!

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