Love #Canadian #Winter Wonderland!

We had our first snowfall overnight. Where we live, we don’t get much snow that actually stays on the ground, but if you drive even 20mins outside of town, they get tons of snow.

My man mentioned this morning how awesome the snow on the trees would be as a backdrop for a photo shoot so, after we did kid drop off, I told him to get his hat, mitts and camera…and “made” him go take some pictures, just because. As a professional photographer, he rarely gets to take pictures “just because”. Ironically, I’m the one between us who is usually snapping candid photos of all of us because it’s much easier to quickly take my cell phone out and click a picture than getting his monstrosity of a camera out and taking a pic.

So, here are some of the pics I took…

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Of course I snapped a couple of him doing the thing he does. I particularly like this one…he “caught” me sneaking a picture.


So of course, he stole my cell out of my pocket later on, and “returned the favour”…me with my chai. He also apparently clicked some pictures of me holding my chai and my cell phone too…much more “me”. I’ll post them on my blog when he has time to download them.


In about a month or so, we’ll all be complaining about how cold and miserable it is, but this morning was a beautiful Canadian winter wonderland and I’m glad that I “forced him” to go out and take pictures, just because…